Trinity Mobile is an industry leader in mobile ticketing, mobile couponing and mobile marketing. We enable our customers and partners to provide sophisticated ticket, coupon and loyalty schemes through to simple bulk text based mobile phone marketing campaigns.

Ever since the mobile phone has become ubiquitous, marketers have wanted to use the mobile channel to communicate with consumers. They’ve demanded a means to enable consumers to redeem offers, monitor usage, increase redemption rates and measure results comprehensively.

Trinity Mobile was founded in 2003 with the desire to be able to scan barcodes directly off all mobile phone screens with 100% success thereby allowing the mobile phone handset to become a mobile ticket and coupon device. Initially this was impossible with any degree of accuracy – scan success rates of 40% at a maximum were achieved using laser scanning technology. Today it still is impossible to scan off all phones to any acceptable level using laser barcode scanners. However, it is now possible to gain the sort of accuracy that Trinity and its customers require using imaging scanning technology and the range of barcoded solutions that Trinity’s software applications provide.

Campaigns are designed, managed and measured using Trinity’s Easy Ticket, Easy Text, and Easy Suite application set. Easy Suite provides real-time live control of ticketed events and coupon marketing campaigns.

What sets Trinity apart from any other company in this sector is the company’s unique range of experience and specific industry and technical knowledge. The team behind the company had over 50 years of experience in barcode encoding and decoding (scanning), point of sale (POS) integration, SMS & MMS messaging, and loyalty schemes gained with technology companies such as Symbol Technologies and Logica CMG before starting the business.

Working with the top 50 European retailers, major airlines, rail and bus companies and the leisure & entertainment sector has over time given the team a unique insight in to what companies and customers in these sectors require from their ticketing and marketing suppliers. This is fundamental to the business and to the services and solutions we provide to our customers and partners – it is unique in this sector.

Based on this unique depth and breadth of backgrounds and knowledge the Trinity team have built a comprehensive range of hardware and software solutions for the mobile ticketing and marketing industries. Over the past 5 years initial trials followed by global roll outs have been run in the transport, entertainment, event, retail and on trade sectors with unparalleled success.

Trinity is a privately held and funded company registered in the UK.